Hirschsprung disease

Hirschsprung\'s disease: a 20-year experience

Treatment Outcome / Humans / Female / Male / Pediatric Surgery / Infant / Follow-up studies / Newborn Infant / Children and Adolescents / Hirschsprung disease / Morbidity / Retrospective Studies / Age Groups / Surgical Treatment / Infant / Follow-up studies / Newborn Infant / Children and Adolescents / Hirschsprung disease / Morbidity / Retrospective Studies / Age Groups / Surgical Treatment

Duhamel procedure: a comparative retrospective study between an open and a laparoscopic technique

Esthetics / Humans / Child / Enuresis / Female / Male / Statistical Significance / Infant / Follow-up studies / Incidence / Length of Stay / Eating / Clinical Sciences / Newborn Infant / Intestinal Obstruction / Hirschsprung disease / Time Factors / Retrospective Studies / Postoperative Complication / Retrospective Study / Laparoscopy / Fecal Incontinence / Postoperative Period / Male / Statistical Significance / Infant / Follow-up studies / Incidence / Length of Stay / Eating / Clinical Sciences / Newborn Infant / Intestinal Obstruction / Hirschsprung disease / Time Factors / Retrospective Studies / Postoperative Complication / Retrospective Study / Laparoscopy / Fecal Incontinence / Postoperative Period

Hirschsprung\'s disease: A 20-year experience

Treatment Outcome / Humans / Female / Male / Pediatric Surgery / Infant / Follow-up studies / Newborn Infant / Children and Adolescents / Hirschsprung disease / Morbidity / Retrospective Studies / Age Groups / Surgical Treatment / Infant / Follow-up studies / Newborn Infant / Children and Adolescents / Hirschsprung disease / Morbidity / Retrospective Studies / Age Groups / Surgical Treatment

Separation of retinoblastoma and esterase D loci in a patient with sporadic retinoblastoma and del(13)(q14.1q22.3)

Genetics / Human Genetics / Complementary and Alternative Medicine / Humans / Female / Linear Order / Genetic linkage analysis / Retinoblastoma / Hirschsprung disease / Linear Order / Genetic linkage analysis / Retinoblastoma / Hirschsprung disease

Endorectal pull-through for Hirschsprung\'s disease—a multicenter, long-term comparison of results: transanal vs transabdominal approach

Treatment Outcome / Humans / Child / Intestinal Mucosa / Female / Male / Pediatric Surgery / Follow-up studies / Dissection / Pediatric / Colonoscopy / Hirschsprung disease / Time Factors / Retrospective Studies / Laparoscopy / Male / Pediatric Surgery / Follow-up studies / Dissection / Pediatric / Colonoscopy / Hirschsprung disease / Time Factors / Retrospective Studies / Laparoscopy

Endorectal pull-through for Hirschsprung\'s disease—a multicenter, long-term comparison of results: transanal vs transabdominal approach

Treatment Outcome / Humans / Child / Intestinal Mucosa / Female / Male / Pediatric Surgery / Follow-up studies / Dissection / Pediatric / Colonoscopy / Hirschsprung disease / Time Factors / Retrospective Studies / Laparoscopy / Male / Pediatric Surgery / Follow-up studies / Dissection / Pediatric / Colonoscopy / Hirschsprung disease / Time Factors / Retrospective Studies / Laparoscopy

Transanal mucosectomy for endorectal pull-through in Hirschsprung’s disease: comparison of abdominal, extraanal and transanal approaches

Humans / Intestinal Mucosa / Constipation / Pediatric Surgery / Infant / Newborn Infant / Hirschsprung disease / Fecal Incontinence / Postoperative Complications / Newborn Infant / Hirschsprung disease / Fecal Incontinence / Postoperative Complications
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